Dooley Noted
Follow what I am learning through Seminary and my outlook on life’s hot topics!
SERMON: Where Are the Good Samaritans?
In this sermon, I guide Kaleo through the story of the Good Samaritan as I preach from the book “Strength to Love” by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. a volume of his most well-known homilies.:
“WHERE were all the good Samaritans during the lynching of over 3000 black Americans from 1882 to 1968?
We need now more than ever a theology that will lead us to love our neighbor, don’t we?”
Re-Learning History
History revealed the difference. History matters. It communicates how we got to where we are today. It helps us make sense of the events that happen now and the beliefs people hold. History of the U.S.A reveals the oppression of black and brown bodies. Of my body. Of my community and culture’s bodies. It is for this reason that discussing the Western Story is a personal endeavor to me. Not merely an abstract retelling of major western events that led to a seductive humanistic worldview and religion, but a story that directly impacts my black life and all black lives in the U.S.A to this day.
Sacred, Safe, Seen: A learning community learning from mystics
This learning community has and continues to play an important role in the development of my religious education.
SERMON: You Are Seen (Luke 10:13-17)
Often many of us go through life longing to be seen by others. In Luke 13:10-17 we observe how the synagogue leader missed it. He missed the celebration of this woman being healed. A woman who had suffered for 18 years was miraculously healed in a moment and this leader missed it! The reason he missed it I believe is because he never saw her.
SERMON: Patriarchy R.I.P.
"Our fathers” have given us this practice of patriarchy and racism that remains in our country and in a lot of our churches today. The violent and unjust acts we witness in our world today are symptoms of this illness that hides behind American exceptionalism. However, This history reveals, like Kendrick’s song, that this is a generational problem and…
SERMON: Learning from A Black Sacred Space
For some of you, your initial following of Jesus may be a marker in your life and spiritual journey as one of amazement. The Jesus you were handed may look different than the Jesus you follow now…
SERMON: Don’t Give Up
To reveal the truth about society and often call out and expose injustice. This was the same role of prophets in the Bible. To expose the evil among God’s people, the Israelites, and call out the idolatry and injustice.
SERMON: Thoughts on Faith In Action
Allowing oppressive and harmful structures to exist without accountability, or attempting to destroy and critique an order that keeps people safe and brings happiness you may have an idea in your head where you sit, but what about the actions you do?
It’s Time To Liberate the Gospel
We have put the Bible’s gospel in a cage in our time. Relinquishing its power to bless others and give others the freedom to live out their God given purpose. I am guilty of allowing this to happen in my own story.
Biblical Worldview of Wings
Who doesn’t love chicken wings! Buffalo wings have become an American staple that people can find in just about every restaurant. Wings are always my go-to dish whenever I am unsure of other food options in a restaurant. Consequently…